Care & Maintanance

Maintaining Your Hardwood Cutting Board

Congratulations on choosing a high-quality hardwood cutting board from Infanti Custom Builds! With proper care, your cutting board will continue to be a reliable and beautiful kitchen companion for years to come. Here are some essential tips on how to maintain and preserve the longevity of your cutting board:

1. Hand Wash Only: Your hardwood cutting board is not suitable for the dishwasher. The high temperatures and harsh detergents in dishwashers can cause the wood to warp, crack, or lose its natural luster. Instead, hand wash your cutting board with warm water and a mild dish soap immediately after use.

2. Avoid Soaking: While hand washing is essential, avoid soaking your cutting board in water or submerging it for extended periods. Excessive moisture can cause the wood to swell and lead to structural damage.

3. Dry Thoroughly: After washing, ensure the cutting board is completely dry before storing it. To allow proper airflow, place the board on its edge or prop it up vertically to dry. This prevents moisture from getting trapped and helps maintain the board's shape.

4. Regular Oil Application: To keep your hardwood cutting board nourished and protected, apply food-grade mineral oil or a dedicated cutting board oil regularly. Apply the oil following the manufacturer's instructions or as needed, especially when the wood starts to appear dry or faded. Oil application helps prevent the wood from drying out, enhances its natural color, and provides a protective barrier against stains and odors.

5. Remove Stains and Odors: If your cutting board develops stains or retains odors from certain foods, create a mixture of baking soda and water to form a paste. Gently rub the paste over the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse off the paste and dry the board thoroughly. This natural cleaning method helps lift stains and eliminate odors without damaging the wood.

6. Avoid Direct Heat and Sunlight: Keep your cutting board away from direct heat sources such as stovetops, ovens, or microwave ovens. Exposure to intense heat can cause the wood to dry out or even crack. Additionally, avoid leaving the board in direct sunlight for prolonged periods, as this can fade the wood's natural color.

7. Use Proper Cutting Techniques: Although hardwood cutting boards are durable, using the proper cutting techniques will help maintain their integrity. Avoid chopping or cutting aggressively on the board's surface to prevent deep cuts and gashes.

8. Rotate Usage: If you have multiple cutting boards, consider rotating their usage. This practice spreads the wear and tear evenly among them, extending the life of each board.

By following these simple maintenance tips, you'll ensure that your hardwood cutting board remains in excellent condition and ready for every culinary adventure. Remember, a well-cared-for cutting board is not only a functional tool but also a beautiful addition to your kitchen decor.

Happy cooking!